Rare Blood
Grey Day
Bio: Born in North Wales in the 70s, I am a self-taught musician and artist. Using the pseudonym Rare Blood for my current project allows me to be absorbed, expressive, anonymous. I create music that sits alongside pieces of found film, patched together, often repeated in a sequence. Both are part intention, part randomness.
Website: https://www.rarebloodmusic.com
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user156893125
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rare_blood_music/
Statement: The piece of music for Grey Day is a rolling set of phrases and chords that I wrote over a cold New Year period in the South West UK, while the film was on repeat in my home studio. The sky moves so slowly that I was almost unable to notice the changes until something caught my eye. It was my slightly punctuated noticing of the constant, slow unfolding that informed the music, which ebbs and flows, with some pauses. The piece is made up of a relatively small number of notes and repeating motifs and could be a topographical feature, a layer of earth or fluid beneath the sky. I hope the music is able to communicate with the film, its movement contrasting with the stillness of the viewing point.